Fall Season Update: UGA Wins Second Place at the Classic City Invitational!

Our fall season is off to a strong start, with a group of 45 incredible competitors starting off our competition season with awards and trophies in hand. On October 12-13, two of our teams headed to Atlanta, GA to compete in the Classic City Invitational, and a third team went to Washington, DC to compete in the Habeas Hippopotamus Invitational. In DC, Nick Lewis headed home with a 19 rank attorney award on the prosecution. At CCI, one of our teams finished with a record of 5.5 wins and a second place trophy. We also had two competitors win individual awards. Natascha Perez came home with an award as a defense witness with 19 ranks, and attorney Karsyn Archambeau finished with 20 ranks on the prosecution.

On October 19-20, one of our teams hit the road to Columbus, OH, where they competed at OSU’s Scarlet & Gray Invitational Tournament. We didn’t leave this invitational empty-handed, either. At this invitational, attorney Madan Bagur finished with 18 ranks on the prosecution, and witness Evan Johnson got 18 ranks on the defense.

With a strong start to our season, we can’t wait to see what else in in store!
