Jack Samuels

It's ORCS Time!

We’re halfway through our spring season, and now we’re headed to Greenville, SC for ORCS. We kicked this spring off with trips to New York, Chicago, and Atlanta. In New York, one of our teams competed at Columbia’s CUBAIT. After they finished up the competition, they spent some time at Chelsea Market, the Brooklyn Bridge, and Times Square. The next weekend our other three teams competed in Chicago and Atlanta, at the University of Chicago’s Great Chicago Fire Invitational Tournament, and Georgia Tech’s Ramblin’ Wreck. After wrapping up our invitational season, we went to Jackson, MS and Tallahassee, FL for regionals, where we won three bids and took home some individual awards too!

Pre-ORCS Outstanding Trial Team Awards

  • 2nd Place - Jackson, MS Regional

  • 3rd Place - Tallahassee, FL Regional

  • 5th Place - Tallahassee, FL Regional

Pre-ORCS Individual Awards

  • Sophie Tisinger (x2) - Witness

  • Emmy Emery - Witness

  • Will Macfie - Witness

  • Karsyn Archambeau - Attorney

  • Nick Lewis - Attorney

  • Hannah Walters - Attorney


That's a Wrap on Fall!


We finished up our fall season competing at the Great American Mock Trial Invitational, where we finished with a 5-7 record, and Nathan Pugh came home with a 22 rank witness award! We had an awesome time spending the weekend exploring DC and getting to compete at GAMTI. With such a strong showing throughout this fall season, we can’t wait to see what’s in store on the road to the 2020 National Championship Tournament in Chicago.


Next Stop: GAMTI!

Our fall season is wrapping up, and with just one tournament left, we’re ending on a strong note. Our teams traveled across the country, from State College, PA for the Happy Valley Invitational to Durham, NC for Duke’s Tobacco Road Invitational. We went back to Atlanta, GA for Emory’s Peach Bowl Tournament where we won a third place trophy. To wrap things up, we went to Nashville, TN for the Grand Ol’ Tournament. A number of our competitors won individual awards at these competitions as well, including:

  • Grand Ol’ Tournament:

    • Karsyn Archambeau - Attorney, 20 Ranks & Recipient of the Dorothy Legros Outstanding Competitor Award

    • Sajjad Ali - Attorney, 17 Ranks 

  • Tobacco Road Invitational:

    • Nick Lewis - Attorney, 19 Ranks

  • Emory’s Peach Bowl:

    • Jack Samuels - Attorney, 20 Ranks

    • Nathan Pugh - Witness, 16 Ranks

Our last fall season stop: GAMTI! Get ready DC, we’re coming for ya!


Fall Season Update: UGA Wins Second Place at the Classic City Invitational!

Our fall season is off to a strong start, with a group of 45 incredible competitors starting off our competition season with awards and trophies in hand. On October 12-13, two of our teams headed to Atlanta, GA to compete in the Classic City Invitational, and a third team went to Washington, DC to compete in the Habeas Hippopotamus Invitational. In DC, Nick Lewis headed home with a 19 rank attorney award on the prosecution. At CCI, one of our teams finished with a record of 5.5 wins and a second place trophy. We also had two competitors win individual awards. Natascha Perez came home with an award as a defense witness with 19 ranks, and attorney Karsyn Archambeau finished with 20 ranks on the prosecution.

On October 19-20, one of our teams hit the road to Columbus, OH, where they competed at OSU’s Scarlet & Gray Invitational Tournament. We didn’t leave this invitational empty-handed, either. At this invitational, attorney Madan Bagur finished with 18 ranks on the prosecution, and witness Evan Johnson got 18 ranks on the defense.

With a strong start to our season, we can’t wait to see what else in in store!


UGA Mock Trial Wins Two Bids to NCT

Our A and B teams spent their weekends competing at the Opening Round Championship Series in Memphis, TN. We are thrilled to announce that both teams received bids to compete at the 2019 National Championship Tournament in Philadelphia, PN. A number of our competitors won individual awards as well. Caylin Grosse and Dorothy Rau received awards for their performances as Danny Kosack on the defense, and Nathan Pugh won an award for his performance as Alex Grace on the plaintiff.


Jumping for Joy in Jackson!

Both of our C teams traveled to Jackson, Mississippi this weekend to compete at the regional tournament hosted by Mississippi College. We are ecstatic to announce that both teams won bids to the Opening Round Championship Series, and that freshman Daniel McDonald won an outstanding attorney award. Way to go, Mock Dawgs!

After winning four bids to ORCS, we can’t wait to see what Memphis has in store for us!

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